“Prescribing Controlled Substances: Drugs, Monitoring and Standards of Care” presented by Dr. Jacqueline Plemons

NOVEMBER 14, 2023, 6:00PM (2 CE HOURS)

The abuse of controlled substances has reached epidemic proportions across the nation. Both national and state-wide efforts to combat the problem affect the practice of dentistry in Texas and across the U.S. This course will review safe and ethical ways to prescribe and monitor the use of controlled substances as they relate to dental care and how to manage dental pain consistent with standards of care.

Registration Fee: $50

6:00 PM – 6:30 PM – Networking and Dinner
6:30 PM – Program Starts (this is a 2-hour CE program)

River Crest Country Club
1501 Western Avenue
Fort Worth, TX

Program Title:
Prescribing Controlled Substances: Drugs, Monitoring and Standards of Care

Dr. Jacqueline Plemons

Click here to register